Sunday, January 26, 2020

Let's Go Deep

LET’S GO DEEP © Thora/thorivee/iveenia

On the web, there’s so much to hear
No matter whether far or near
With compliments you are buttered
So many words in chats are uttered
It’s so tiring to read them every day
And then I think – what shall I say?
Let’s go deep
And don’t weep
Because when we fall
We’re ready for it all
It is on the rabbit hole’s ground
You find your innermost sound…
You’re beautiful inside out
What’s this all about?
You see through me that well?
So easy, that you can tell?
But can you handle me if I show
The true me – no, I don’t think so,
You could not handle that, you’d blow

Let’s go deep
And don’t weep
Because when we fall
We’re ready for it all
It is on the rabbit hole’s ground
You find your innermost sound…
The real face in front of the soul
Is that really your true goal?
Pain of the body? Oh beware,
That pain I truly do not care…
But revealing to you what there really is
In my deepest soul, no, no eternal bliss
Let’s go deep
And don’t weep
Because when we fall
We’re ready for it all
It is on the rabbit hole’s ground
You find your innermost sound…

Then, do you really know my dark side?
Have I ever shown you my high tide?
Water flowing down my cheeks
Nothing but tears sometimes for weeks?
How about you? Are you always gay?
In your own life, come what may?
Let’s go deep
And don’t weep
Because when we fall
We’re ready for it all
It is on the rabbit hole’s ground
You find your innermost sound…
Tell me – yep – tell about your innermost
Now you may talk – now you may boast
Wonder what you now will let me know
Oh – too deep – you have to go?
All’s ok – but telling us how you are to see
Time to leave – neither cheer nor glee
Let’s go deep
And don’t weep
Because when we fall
We’re ready for it all
It is on the rabbit hole’s ground
You find your innermost sound…
