Saturday, March 5, 2016

Spirituality - and yes, this is a longer one...

There is a subject which should not be connected to our professional lives: 


But, especially nowadays with all these threats on our planet it becomes very important.
Terror and horror spread – revenge hits the top.  Remember:

In your lives we all undergo/went many negative things; we have/had to learn from. The next step is to rise like the phoenix from the ashes. And yes, many times the “ash-state” hurts – we look at our bruises and blisters but the internal injuries, which are mostly unseen, are the worst to cope with.

You might ask WHY spirituality? Do I need that at all - and if so, what can I do here? 
Above all spirituality will give us peace of mind.

This quote from the Native Americans became my favorite:

When I was 28 I left church – born as a Roman Catholic; it was a sacrilege. 
  “Nondenominational” sounds as brutal as the German word: “konfessionslos” (no (more) confession)
It seems like: you are loose like an outlaw – you are not worth anything anymore – you lost your “I belong to”-state. (BTW: I had three months of notice period – yes – these three months I had to pay taxes, still. Crazy, right?)

It is not true that we lose all. Exactly with this step we can win by opening up to “all” religions.
Yet the whole thing started when I was a teeny; i.e. the questioning of the belief as such.

Every book/article which was there about Catholic Belief was read; anything therein. And what there was written was simply dreadful. In other words: it is not the belief. It is the people and their stretching the belief. 
This path showed horror and terror at the same time. They killed others in the name of Christianity. There was the Inquisition, Assassini (the murder squad of the pope), Crusades and/or people who betrayed others. 
Then the separation of wo/men: already the Ancient Greeks Plato and Aristotle believed that women were less than men. That even was B.C. After the Greeks the Romans took over the same opinion. Then the Christian Church went on. Origen (AD 185-254) stated that, even if it is granted to a woman to show the sign of prophecy, she is nevertheless not permitted to speak in an assembly. When Miriam the prophetess spoke, she was leading a choir of women ... For [as Paul declares] "I do not permit a woman to teach," and even less "to tell a man what to do." All these statements made way that the “knowledge was only for the privileged” and ripped off the “women are equal to men” part especially in church. For almost 2 Millennia women have not had “the same worth” as men.
The consequence of knowledge “was to be burnt on the stack” or other very terrible tortures and killings were to be done. They pursued people from whom it was said or murmured – those are sorcerers, witches or made a pact with the devil – etc. Another example: more than 200 baby skeletons were found in the deep wells of the abbeys. The consequences of the Catholic feasts... All in all it was very disgusting. And the worst of the worst was – the ones who truly made these experiments were not the ones killed; no, those were the ones who did/ordered the killings.

Due to these witch-hunts we lost a lot of knowledge regarding: Childbirth, Herbology, Therapy and above all: 
       NATURE – integration into nature – our Mother Earth knowledge went lost completely.

Later in the 90ies the revelations of the Catholics continued. More and more cases with priests and boys/girls were brought to light (as we say in German) – i.e. exposed. Priests who lived two lives, had kids and wives, etc. Also cases such as the incident in the Vatican with the Swiss Guard came and enqueued. The truth so long hidden found its way through. The faster media spread; i.e. the web then really ignited and revealed so much more.
Sadly - what we face now is worse - children disappearing - leading to the "church" again - hell - yes, hell. And the ones they serve? Reptilians - last pic - Vatican Garden.

Meanwhile the wish to know went to all other beliefs, too – Mormons, Witness Jehovah, Scientology, Jewish, Hinduism, Buddhism, American Natives, Incas, Mayans, Toltec, Indigenous Cultures; anything which was in reach was read, also Wicca belief, therein Celtic belief, Merlin and Morgan Le Fay, (about 5 versions). The amazing ideas from Marion Zimmer-Bradley I loved most. She still is one of my favorite writers, she wrote about Darkover which seemed rather familiar to me if we put this into connection to Mu and Atlantis.
Before and after these extensive studies it is/was confirmed that all religions are one (my opinion) – but one alone = none. It may seem crazy to you but too much knowledge went lost, by believing in “only ONE” religion. Here I am not alone, there are Gandhi, William Blake and History: All religions; it is said; were one. Many talk about Lemuria and Atlantis to be legends. But that is an utter nonsense. Lemuria – in short Mu (the full story: link at the end of this text) was the beginning of all religions. 


When Mu sank some survivors reached three continents: South America, Africa and Asia. For sure there were others but there is no proof.

The Inca and Mayan traditions only prevailed after 2000 - before they were not allowed to talk, Crystal Skulls, Rituals, everything had to be kept a secret. Today we find lots of books, knowledge has spread.

That is still not the reason why I changed to Spirituality. It actually was in Libya. There I changed completely. I learnt to know the Muslim World. The Muslims shown by our media here in our areas are not the ones I lived with. The ones I lived with, gave freely (with the left hand so the right does not see) and were there to help. Just one example: You never went without any tea in a meeting and you were respected. So there I learnt one thing: we are lied to by any media in the name of the ones who rule the media.
In 2012 a new direction in spirituality came up – having started to read Drunvalo Melchizedek’s books in 2009/2010 the longing for another education emerged; one I never speak/ spoke about. I think it is time to reveal the rest of it.
There I learnt a Meditation – one of the oldest ones existing – the knowledge about it went lost. In Yoga they still remembered but did not know about “How to do it entirely”.
That was what I had been searching/seeking for all these years of my life: The Merkaba-Meditation.
And here we are back to the World and its inhabitants:

Please let us see people the way they are, truly. Let us look into the human being – into their hearts. 

Don’t look at their religion/nation/color/outer– and then don’t put them into the drawer, into a frame which had been prepared by the media and / or politicians or...  actually and bluntly: 

Here is a saying from a Muslim - i really do admire deeply:


We have lost that look; the look into the heart. It is high time to go back and learn, again.
Maybe it is time to remember. To remember that we are all ONE; that we are all connected.

Some quotes on Spirituality end these thoughts:


Other answers and sources upon request


1 comment:

  1. It is nice to know that you got exposed to the personality of Sathya Sai Baba . He was none but infinite bliss of love of truth but very few knew it. Only those who were blessed this experience developed love & reverence for him . Spiritual science is the practical phenomenon & purpose of life is to facilitate the electron size SOUL (Energy) to move from the anatomical heart to the spiritual heart . Here glimpse of Kingdom of GOD results in getting blessed with peace forever........For details , kindly have a look at the website ........with divine LOVE
