Saturday, January 9, 2016


Thoughts Derive From the Brain and From the Heart – You Choose
When you are criticized i.e. when you hear someone reasoning “about YOUR weak spots” you can be 100 % convinced that your opposite has got issues therein also, sometimes even more than you have/think. If you wish to find out about yours: Why not observing other people? The more their behavior hurts you, makes you angry, and/or disappoints you the more you will get to know what you might wish to change within yourself.
What your interlocutor thinks about you is the only thing you cannot influence. Should you defend yourself it may seem to your opposite that s/he hit the bull’s eye. If you don’t mention it the other may think negative; just the same. How to react? Be authentic – be yourself.

The essence is simple:  Thoughts can be your best friend or your worst enemy. When you put your energy in the worst, you show all that to the other – with other words – the subconscious mind will flow (over) to your interviewer. At the same time you may think you have hit it i.e. you got the job. These two belong together – the hesitation and the self-assurance.
All thoughts deriving from the brain are dual; the good and the bad, with other words you gain both actually all the time. You can avoid that easier than you think.
What did the Ancient Egyptians think about the least important part of the body? The worst they took out by a hook and threw it: This causes the mucus of your nose. You are right the “thing” talked about is the brain, again.
The Ancient Egyptians kept the inner organs. All of those went to jars except the heart. *2 
The heart was placed back into the body to be ready for the journey after death.
Heart has got an intelligence of its own and sends more information to the brain than vice versa. *3
What will change if you think with your heart – your natural intuition?
You will be as one: you will no longer have any prejudice. You will be wholesome. The heart is ONE – the brain is two.
When you meet an interlocutor who thinks heart; you will not have a lot to do to convince him/her, if they see directly into your heart, you have got the job. Do not lose your belief in yourself when people do not see you the way you are – it is worth waiting!
When you think with your heart, everything will change. Above all: you.
*1   Wiki: Dual Brain Theory  and  Julian Jaynes ORG: Dual Brain /   *2   How to prepare a mummy            *3   Heart Facts

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